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Transmission Dynamometer

SuperFlow's Axiline and Hicklin transmission test stands cover the complete range of light-duty, medium-duty, heavy-duty and cross drive transmissions on the market today. With solutions for everything from passenger cars to the M1 tank and features like mechatronic shift controls, no-hassle precision aligment tooling and the available WinDyn Data Acquisition and Control system for fully automated tests and reports, SuperFlow transmission dynos are the only choice of the top transmission remanufacturers world wide. Check out or custom testing solutions page for examples of custom transmission test stands we've built for heavy duty cross drive dynos and full AC regenrative test stands.

Axiline 97000 Transmission Dyno

Axiline 66K Transmission Dyno

Hicklin Edect Transmission Dynamometer

Hicklin Cross Drive Transmission Dynamometers

Axiline 84000 Transmission Dyno

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